
Max. Size: 125 x 55 x 35mm(H)

66266635 242C 4C8D 9868 A702F1CCD87C


Size: 116 x 62 x 38mm(H)

30F62F72 C716 4548 9FF0 83C878D43CA7

Easel calculator

Size: 65 x 23 x 110mm(H)

AA191B13 7E21 4EC4 A7CA E399A7F3BB46

cola effect -Key chain

Shake and see the real sparking effect

22CBFBFC 3326 4FF7 B42B 107075BB21DF

Cola effect -cup

Shake and see the real sparking effect

B7182968 5DF2 4014 B7CD CF8EC29A1667

Special effect -beer mug

Shake and see the real sparking effect

F36483D0 37EB 4025 A9C3 B207EE05F6CE

Special effect -beer keychain

Shake and see the real sparking effect

0AC718CE F278 4C21 9138 B0C505930193

Mystery Effect

Shake and let your brand appear a mystery

B1849462 1028 4DF3 BE38 EEEDF2BA5D29

Mystery Effect -pen

Shake and let your brand appear a mystery

AF86DA97 C5F4 4F8A AD23 3D558EA188EC

Chair stylish alarm clock

Timer or thermometer

C0728283 FDAA 4C51 95A4 69AD62445F19

Yo yo multi function clock

7 color of LED changing backlight

7115EB57 9F16 4784 8520 E053EC4F71E6

Timer with decision maker

-Rotatable outer ring for 7 diff. decisions

-Digital count down/up timer

-Magnet at the back

-Various color available

9FFC188B F7CE 499A 8285 F31EB7B3747F